Mobile Related Words Full From In Hindi

Hello दोस्तों, आज मे आपको इस आर्टिकल में बताने वालु Mobile Related Words  के Full From जेसे की DISPLAY Related Full Forms, TouchScreen Related Full Forms, Processor Related Full Forms, Camera Related Full Forms, Connectivity Related Full Forms, other full from मिलेग

Mobile Related Words Full From In Hindi

Mobile Related Words Full From In Hindi

DISPLAY Related Full Form In Hindi

PPI – Pixel”s per Inch
OLED – Organic Light emitting Diode
AMOLED – Active matrix Light emitting Diode
Super AMOLED – Super Active Matrix Light Emitting Diode

Processor Related Full Form In Hindi 

RAM – Random Access Memory
ROM – Read Only Memory
OS – Operating System
Dual Core – 2 Cores
Quad Core – 4 Cores
HEXA Core – 6 Cores
Octa Core – 8 cores
CPU – Central processing Unit
GPU – Graphical Processing Unit
FM – Frequency Modulation
DTA – Data Trans fer Adapter
iDEN – Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network
IMSI – International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IMEI – International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMEI Number के बारे मे पुरी जानकारी हिन्दी में

Camera Related Full Form In Hindi

MP – Mega Pixel
OIS – Optical Image Stabilization
EIS – Electronic Image Stabilization
HDR – High Dynamic The

Connectivity Related Full Form In Hindi

1G – First Generation
2.5G – Second and a half generation
2G – Second1G Generation
3G – Third Generation
3GPP – 3rd Generation Partnership Project
3GPP2 – 3rd Generation Partnership Project
4G – Fourth Generation
LTE – Long Term Evolution
VoLTE – Voice Over LTE
H – High Speed Packet Access
H+ – Evolved HSPA
KB – Kilo Byte
MB – Mega Byte
GB – Giga Byte
TB – Tera Byte
CDMA – Code pision Multiple Access
GSM – Global System For Mobile Communication
HSPA – High Speed Packet Access
Wi-Fi – Wireless Fidelity
WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network

Other Full Form In Hindi

SMS – Short Message Service
SIM – Subscriber Identity Module OR Subscriber Identification Module
VPN – Virtual Private Network
NFC – Near Field Communication
USB – Universal Serial Bus
OTG: On The Go
GMSC – Gateway Mobile Switching Center
GMSK – Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
GPRS – General Packet Radio Service

मुझे आशा है कि आपको Mobile Related Words Full From In Hindi इसके बारे में जानकारी आपको हमारे आर्टिकल से मिल गई होगी

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